Videos are popular on social media channels, they have a higher engagement rate than a static image or text so they are worthwhile investing some time into.

Lots of clients struggle to think of what video content they could share online so we have come up with the following list to help you out.

  • Showcase/display a product or range
  • Behind the scenes of the office or production
  • ‘Top 5’ tips
  • Teasers of new product releases
  • Comparisons between products and/or ranges
  • Day in the life
  • Maintenance/cleaning tips for your product
  • Seasonal activities/decorations

Whilst it's lovely to put a face to the video, it’s not always necessary. You can certainly create videos for the types of content above without the need for you to appear in the video if you don’t want to.

Our top tips for video content

Consider the platform

When creating any online video content consider the platform it is going to be used on.

Social media channels like Instagram and TikTok are best with short videos, whereas a platform like YouTube is looking for longer videos.

Don’t forget that you can get multiple uses out of the same video – filming a longer video that can be split into many shorter clips is the best way to maximise your efforts.

Don’t Forget Branding

When you create any video content, ensure that you remember your branding.

Whether it’s having the company logo in the background, ensuring that the product is demonstrated in the same manner for consistency, or simply ensuring that the video showcases you and your business in the best light.

Don't focus on polished videos

Videos for use on social media do not need to be flawless, editing is welcomed but the video doesn’t need to be of Hollywood production quality.

Indeed many videos perform better when they are natural and unpolished so step away from your video editing suites and just show your business as it is. 

Need Help?

If you are looking for help with your video content then get in touch with the team here at Digital Nachos today. We work with several videographers who can assist in your efforts.

Published: 9th Feb 2024

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